Saturday, January 23, 2010

Christa Bashes to Windward/Some History

Moored Naples FloriidaThis is an article that I penned for Latitude38 and was published a few months ago. It provides some history for newer readers of the blog. Plus I'm testing out the very cool Scibe technology. Latitude 38

What is Scribd? Click here. The iPaper document reader is very cool.

Received my Florida plate yesterday for the Green Hornet. I've held plates in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Washington State, California, Hawaii and now Florida.

Capt Chris

PS: Still working on a new article for Latitude38. A reflection on why I cut short my trip. And I'm putting on the finishing touches of my 2009 Year in Review Video.


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris
Great job on the article! Makes me anxious for the next installment.
Don't work too hard, will talk to you soon, miss you.

Anonymous said...

Did you say, "may be beginning to bald?" heh heh heh
formerly of 2LazyDogs