Monday, August 1, 2011

To Inspire

Glen Ellen, California

 I watch (AppleTV) and listen to a fair amount of news while puttering about my business. With super high speed wifi at the house I can stream SiriusXM radio throughout my little kingdom while I go about my upgrading choirs.  When not listening to "Mandatory Metallica" on Sirius channel 27 I'll listen to a range of channels from C-Span Radio, Fox, CNN and CNBC Morning Joe. I have to say the news has positively been depressing. This is why after a a while of news I'll shift to Mandatory Metallica followed by some country and blue grass to shake off the blues. I came across this Youtube video that I found to be wonderful. It's a great example of film as art used to inspire, and send a message. My favorite guy is the deaf fellow. Anyone who knows me will be able to peg which sequence is my favorite. Enjoy!

Blast From the Past

Aboard a Navy Tug Midway Island 1994. 27 Years Old

Capt Chris

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