Sunday, January 16, 2011

San Francisco and the Golden Gate Photo ExpedItion

San Rafael, California

Yesterday was beautiful condition here in the San Francisco Bay Area to exercise my digital photography skills. Admittedly novice skills, but skills non the less. I mean how is one to become a better photographer? You gotta get out there and snap some pictures! And so I did. Here a tiny sample of pictures I took with my Canon G11, and then retouched in Aperture 3. At the bottom of the post I provide the link to the full Album of photos in my Picasa Web Album. Please let me know what you think!

Fort Cronkite Beach
 I spent about three hours hiking and driving around, snapping away as the light conditions changed. As the sun set, the fog started to appear creating some really cool conditions. What a joy. Click here to access my Picasa Web Album where you can you see all 286 photo's.



Wandering Dolphin said...

Loved the year in review production and the photos are great Christian. You will be happy to know I now am the proud owner of both a kindle and... a MacBook Air... you knew it had to happen sometime!

Unknown said...

Thanks Topher! MacBook Air? Awesome, what a machine. You know I've been to the Apple Store scoping out that sucker. Hope all is well, and will curious to know your plans whenever you have a plan! Happy New Year!

Karen said...

Loved the photos! Of course, I lost sleep over them becuase I had to go through all of them...and not three seconds at a time, I had to really LOOK at the photos, because its my hobby too. They are beautiful, some really amazing shots. I'm going to have to move! Soon!