Capt Chris, 80's, NE 15-18 Knots
03/10/2009, Jolly Harbor Antigua
I have been working on a new blog to eventually replace sailblogs. Christa's New Website can be found by clicking on the hyperlink. Also Christa's New Website can be found by looking under my sidelinks. I am a fan of Google and use many Google products. iGoogle, Gmail, Google's electronic health record, Google reader, Google maps, Google earth and Google photo album called Picasso. So Blogger is also a google product and simply superior. I can do much more with Blogger than sailblogs and Blogger is free and is intergrated to maximize all of Google other products. This is the same reason I am a MAC user. Apple also arranges things, such as iTunes and other Apple products to work together. I like that. The thing that really has compelled me to change is Sailblogs chokes all the time. As a cruiser wifi is an unknown in each port. Many times you have to pay for a signal or deal with weak signals. Sometimes I'll sit and watch a sailblogs trying load a picture only to have it time out. It happens over and over again. Doesn't seem to happen with Blogger. But expense aside, the ability to click on pictures within the Blogger site and have it expand is wonderful. I would enjoy some feedback from you all regarding Christa's New Website. So I intend to maintain both sites simultaneously and then at some point leave the forwarding link within the last sailblogs post. I will be working on moving all the archived blog entries to the new site. A big undertaking, but a great way to retrace my recent history.
I have been surprised at how important the blog has become. Chock it up to one of those unforseeables prior to leaving on a cruise. I really enjoy maintaining the blog and passing along my adventures. I think their is some kind of deep phycological need or desire to document one's life. So having more tools to document my life and sailing trip is great. Speaking of things of a phycological nature.
I have been thrilled since arriving in Antigua to know that basically all of my easting is now done. I need to do only a slight amount of easting from here. Nothing hard on the wind, maybe close reaching. The difference between the two is night and day. Thus far, since I left in September of 2007 I have traveled about 3500 nautical miles. Just about all of it to windward. Clearly the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. Making progress to windward has been a mental anvil weighing on me for 16 months and now I can relax about it a bit.
For example, I plan on leaving for Dominica tomorrow. Of course I check the weather but I don't need to study the details and calculate departure and arrival times on a micro scale. In fact, I very well may be broad reaching for the foreseeable future and enjoying the classic trading wind sailing in deep blue water.
So with that I'll check out. Please check out Christa's New Website and leave comments on the new blog. It is a work in progress and some things may still be a little Jimmied up. I'll correct mistakes as I go along.
Capt Chris
Wow Capt Chris,
What a great blog!
I like the new site, however, all the text is in bold print.
I like the blog esp the font cuz I dont have to wear my glasses to read it...the pics seem more pleasing to the eye, maybe its due to the white background. Thx for sharing.
Corrinne, Seattle,Wa
The detailed description of your passage South and East has been a great read. Your willingness to share your feelings and beliefs has made your blog stand above many others. The seamanship, judgment and decision-making you demonstrate are great lessons for anyone (!...) who is planning/hopes to cruise.
I believe the picture PRUDENCE posted today on their blog is the best yet of CHRISTA.
Regards -- Gordo, USAF retired
have you thought about using a dark background/light colored text? This should help readers a bit... great stuff none the less!
we like the new website, it will take a couple of views to get use to it.
Interesting blog as for me. I'd like to read a bit more concerning that theme. Thanx for posting this information.
Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you for your information.
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