Friday, November 25, 2011

Happiness on the Otherside of Success

Glen Ellen, California

Another awesome video from This chat is from Shawn Achor who wrote the book The Happiness Advantage. This a great video. Please take the time to view, and comment if you will.


1 comment:

Gremlins Hammer said...

Fantastic- Thank you for posting this. Great message, and love his sense of humor as well.

I really enjoyed this, and especially his points of "Small Changes Ripple Outward." It is true that actively doing these small things can dramatically change your outlook on your day, your life, your relationships, and even your simple day-to-day tasks. I am a believer in the idea that we all control our own individual happiness, but so many people do not know or are unaware of how to access this "control center" for their personal happiness in the midst of all the chaos and noise from the media and society. This is a great video- we should all be aware that we can gain control over our satisfaction in life.