Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Really Do Plan on Continuing to Blog

San Rafael, CA

MT Diablo State Park, East of San Francisco

I've taken a break from blogging mostly due to a needed break, but the crush of writing that has been required my first semester has eaten away at any creative thought I may have. Suffice to say, I'm well and enjoying all that my transition has afforded me. School work is easing somewhat as I become better at being a student. Anticipate more blog posts in the near future. I'm gittin the itch again. Below is one of the weighty issues I spent many hours on. It may be tough going for some readers, but some may be just bored enough to make it through, and I'd enjoy any commentary that readers may have.

Capt Chris (Shoreside huge)

Women and Work in the Military                                                            

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