Thursday, September 24, 2009

Volcanic Hiking in Dominica

On Assignment in Williamstown Ma
Returning to Grenada In: 32 days

One of my ongoing projects while ashore, has been to organize all my photo's and video's. I shot a fair amount of footage, downloaded it into my MacBook and pushed on. I've now started to get a better handle on how to assemble and present material. Certainly one of the benefits of retirement is the time to dig into the software and play around with it. While compiling video it became obvious my Fuji Finepix digital cam takes great pics at 8.3 megapix, but the video quality leaves much to be desired. Not to mention my camera skill is not so good.

I always endeavor to improve. With this in mind, I bought a Flip Ultra HD Camcorder. You can see my test video below. The Flip is really cool and shoots great video and is smaller than my Fuji dig cam. So I am jazzed about gathering up some good video for my fast approaching winter sailing season.

You may also have noticed I bought the domain, So no matter what I do in the future, which blog/website format I use, you can always surf on over to and find out what is what. My own domain will eventually help with google searches. Even today, you can easily track me down with a google search.

So, please surf on over to My Youtube Channel and check out the videos, and don't forget to tell your friends!

Capt Chris

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chief, Like the new website, lots of new stuff to catch up on.
